The Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarship: Your Guide to the 2023/2024 Award

The Common Wealth Split PhD Scholarship is one of the most prestigious international awards available to graduate students worldwide. Available through the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), this award provides funding for exceptional students to pursue doctoral studies by splitting their PhD between two Commonwealth countries.

What is the Commonwealth Split PhD?

The Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarship program was launched by the ACU in 1995 with the goal of promoting international collaboration and skills exchange between universities in Commonwealth nations. Through this award, promising PhD candidates can divide their doctoral research, coursework, and dissertation writing between two participating Commonwealth universities located in different countries.

Typically, scholars will spend approximately 18 months at each host institution. This split-site model enables innovative cross-cultural learning and networking opportunities that would not be possible through a traditional single-site PhD. Scholars gain exposure to different research environments, academic traditions, and cultural experiences—equipping them with a truly global perspective. The ACU also organizes networking events and workshops to further enrich each scholar’s international experience.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarship, applicants must meet several key criteria:

  • Nationality: Applicants must be citizens and permanent residents of Commonwealth countries.
  • Academic background: Candidates should hold at least a Master’s degree or similar qualification in a relevant field from a recognized institution.
  • Language: Applicants are expected to have good proficiency in the language of instruction at both proposed host universities.
  • Research interests: The proposed doctoral research topic should demonstrate potential for collaboration and benefit from being conducted in two different countries.
  • Supervision: Candidates must secure written confirmation of support and supervision from professors at two eligible Commonwealth universities in different countries before applying.
  • Timeline: Scholars are expected to undertake and complete the split-site PhD within a maximum of four years from the start date.

In addition, preference is typically given to applicants who are early-career researchers under the age of 30 and demonstrate high academic achievement and leadership potential. The ACU also aims to promote diversity and gender balance among scholars selected each year.

The Application Process

Applications for the Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarship open in early July annually and must be submitted online through the ACU website by mid-October. The application process involves several key steps and requirements:

  • Personal statement: Candidates must submit a concise statement (maximum 1,000 words) outlining their research interests, qualifications, and motivation for undertaking a split-site PhD.
  • Research proposal: A detailed 3-5 page proposal is required, describing the planned doctoral research topic, its significance, methodology, and how it will benefit from being conducted across two institutions.
  • Academic transcripts: Copies of all university transcripts and certificates should be uploaded to verify academic qualifications.
  • Letters of support: Two signed support letters are needed—one from each proposed host university supervisor confirming facilities, supervision arrangements, and their commitment to the project.
  • Language certificates: Evidence of sufficient language proficiency, such as IELTS or TOEFL scores, may need to be provided depending on the institutions.
  • CV: A current curriculum vitae highlighting relevant academic, professional, and extracurricular experience should be included.
  • References: Contact details for two academic referees, from whom evaluators may request confidential statements, should also be provided.

Once an application is submitted before the deadline, it enters a rigorous selection process conducted by expert reviewers and panels appointed by the ACU. Candidates advancing to the final round may also be interviewed. Notification of outcomes is typically provided by late February/early March for scholarships commencing in September/October of the same year.

Selection Criteria

With only 15-20 scholarships awarded annually amidst hundreds of applicants, competition for the Commonwealth Split PhD is extremely high. The selection process places strong emphasis on an applicant’s:

  • Academic excellence: Evidence of top grades, publications, competitive examination results, etc.
  • Research proposal: Originality, significance, methodology, and fit for a split-site model.
  • Leadership potential: Demonstrated initiative, character, and communication skills through experience.
  • Recommendations: Strength of support expressed in referees’ letters and willingness of supervisors.
  • International experience: Interest in and ability to thrive in diverse cultural contexts.
  • Future impact: Plans for career and perceived ability to contribute on return to their home country/region through knowledge and skills developed.
  • Diversity factors: Consideration is given to gender balance and representation across countries/regions.

While academic merit understandably carries the most weight, well-rounded candidates who can clearly articulate what makes their particular project and experience worthy of support tend to be most competitive.

Tips for a Winning Application

To maximize your chances of securing this highly coveted award, consider the following tips when preparing your Commonwealth Split Ph.D. application:

  • Carefully select proposed supervisors and institutions where your project will genuinely benefit from a split-site approach.
  • Craft a research proposal that is novel, feasible, and addresses a clearly identified knowledge gap.
  • Highlight relevant skills, experience, and interests that demonstrate your suitability and interest in international collaboration.
  • Ask referees to specifically address your capacity and motivation for cross-cultural study in their letters.
  • Proofread thoroughly and have others review your application for errors or areas needing clarification.
  • Clearly convey in your statement why you, as an individual, should be selected over other candidates.
  • Follow all instructions carefully and meet all requirements and deadlines without exception.
  • Show in your CV how undergraduate research, internships, fieldwork, etc., are preparing you for doctoral success.
  • Consider practicing your interview responses to common questions if invited to the final selection round.

Presenting a cohesive case for support aligned with the award’s goals and selection priorities can help you stand out from other top-caliber candidates vying for a highly coveted Split Ph.D. place. With diligent preparation, your application can shine.

Funding and Cost of Living Details

If selected for a Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarship, recipients receive competitive funding for up to four years of study to cover:

  • Tuition fees: Full payment of tuition and registration costs at both host institutions.
  • Monthly stipend: A living allowance indexed to the UK Research Council rate—currently around £1,250-£1,500 per month.
  • Travel allowance: One return airfare to each university annually, plus a settling-in allowance of £500.
  • Conference travel: Up to £750 per year to present research at approved conferences.
  • Thesis submission costs: Support for proofreading, binding, and open-access publication upon thesis submission.

This funding package—estimated at a total value of over £50,000—removes significant financial barriers that would otherwise deter international doctoral study. Cost of living expenses during the scholarship period, however, remain the responsibility of recipients.

Location is an important consideration, as living costs vary greatly between Commonwealth university hubs like London, Singapore, and Sydney versus cities like Accra or Lusaka. Careful budgeting helps fellowships go further. Additional funding sources like home government awards or departmental top-ups can supplement the basic costs of housing, food, and transportation as needed.

Overall, the Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarship provides outstanding financial support for doctoral research conducted internationally between Commonwealth universities. This allows fellows to fully focus their energy on academic success without undue financial stress.

Post-Award Support

The Association of Commonwealth Universities remains engaged with Split Ph.D. Scholars well after the award period ends, offering continued professional development assistance and networking opportunities:

  • Career guidance: Resources and seminars help fellows transition to postdoctoral positions or other roles successfully.
  • Mentorship program: Early career alumni can join a mentorship network paired with more experienced professionals.
  • Online Community: A private LinkedIn group enables ongoing career advising, collaboration, and information exchange.
  • Funding databases: Fellows receive ongoing access to global funding opportunity alerts tailored to their profile and interests.
  • Events: The ACU coordinates reunion events, bringing together alumni from different cohorts and countries.

This robust post-award support seeks to maximize career outcomes and the continued impact of Split PhD training by helping translate international research skills into sustainable opportunities. It fosters lifelong collaboration and engagement within the ACU community as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most common questions applicants have about Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarships:

Can my proposed topic span more than two universities?

No, projects must only involve two eligible partner institutions in different Commonwealth countries.

What fields of study are supported?

Scholarships are available across a wide range of disciplines, from sciences and technology to social sciences, arts, and humanities.

How flexible is the 18-month timeframe at each site?

Time spent abroad may vary somewhat depending on research requirements, with some flexibility of up to a few months more or less at each university. However, the overall duration of funding remains fixed at a maximum of four years. Any changes to supervision or institution arrangements after the award starts also require ACU approval.

Can I apply if one of my proposed supervisors is not yet confirmed?

It is preferable to have written confirmation from both supervisors included with the application. However, if one confirmation is pending, you may still apply, but the selection process would depend on securing both before the final award decision.

How do I arrange ethical clearance for my research?

Fellows must follow all regulatory and ethical guidelines that apply at their host institutions for any research involving human participants or sensitive topics. Approvals are normally coordinated directly with university research ethics boards once scholarships are confirmed.

What happens if I need to withdraw from the program?

Withdrawing or deferring an awarded scholarship should only be done as an absolute last resort, as it impacts both the scholar and the institution’s commitment. Any requests require detailed justification and ACU approval well in advance. Substitutions to match supervisors or universities may be considered under rare circumstances instead.


The Commonwealth Split PhD Scholarship provides an unparalleled opportunity for top graduate students worldwide to advance their research and careers through international collaboration. By gaining immersed experience studying within two different Commonwealth university systems, fellows become poised to make innovative contributions on a global scale. With careful preparation that highlights not only your academic credentials but also your motivation for intercultural exchange, this award can turbocharge your doctoral journey. The professional and networking benefits continue even post-program through alumni support as well. For the right candidates, a Commonwealth Split PhD means embarking on a truly enriching international experience that broadens perspectives and impacts far beyond the boundaries of a single university.

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