Scholarship opportunities to study in the US in 2023/2024

Studying in the United States is a dream for many international students. However, the high costs of US education can seem prohibitively expensive. Luckily, there are many scholarship opportunities available each year to help finance your education. We will discuss some of the top scholarship programs for international students seeking higher education opportunities in the US in 2023-2024.

Why consider studying in the US?

Before exploring specific scholarship programs, it’s worth briefly discussing some of the major benefits of studying in the US:

  • World-class higher education: The US is home to many top-ranked universities globally, including Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, and more. Most US universities have strong academics, cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art facilities, and renowned faculty.
  • Variety of programs: You’ll find academic programs in the US in every field of study. Degree options include bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, professional/vocational programs, and more. This variety allows you to specialize in your chosen subject.
  • Networking opportunities: Studying in the US gives you a chance to build valuable international connections. You’ll meet students and scholars from around the world, as well as gain exposure to US employers. These relationships can open doors for future career and research opportunities.
  • Cultural and location diversity: The US spans 50 diverse states, from beaches to mountains to big cities. Each region has its own unique culture and landscape to explore. You’ll become exposed to American culture and values while studying here.
  • Potential work opportunities: After graduation, some international students are eligible for optional practical training (OPT) work permits for up to 3 years to gain professional experience in the US. This can help launch your career or pave the way for an H-1B work visa sponsorship later on.

With so many benefits, the US makes an attractive option for international students. Now, let’s explore some top scholarship programs that can help make a US education financially feasible.

Major US government scholarship programs

Most renowned and esteemed scholarship programs for international students come directly from the US government. Three top options include:

Fulbright Scholarship

The Fulbright Program is the foremost and leading international educational exchange supported and funded by the US government. It offers funding for graduate study, research, or English teaching assistantships in over 140 countries, including the US.

  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and be a citizen of the sponsoring country.
  • Benefits: Covers costs of tuition, fees, health insurance, books, room and board. Also includes an international travel allowance.
  • Application deadline: Varies by country, typically in the late summer/fall of the following academic year.

Gilman Scholarship

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship supports US undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grants to study or intern abroad. A small number are also awarded to non-US citizens studying in the US.

  • Eligibility: Must demonstrate financial need and be studying at a US college or university. Non-US citizens also qualify.
  • Benefits: Up to $5,000 toward education-related expenses like tuition, room/board, books, local transportation.
  • Application deadline: Early March for the following fall and full academic year.

Freeman Awards

The Freeman Awards program supports citizens of East Asia and the Pacific studying at accredited US colleges and universities. Awards cover a range of fields at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

  • Eligibility: Citizen of Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam studying in the US.
  • Benefits: Tuition, required fees, room, board, books up to $50,000 for degree programs.
  • Application deadline: Mid-October for the following academic year.

All of these prestigious US government programs are highly competitive but provide excellent opportunities for obtaining full or partial funding for a US education. Early and careful preparation is key to standing out in the application process.

Field-specific scholarships

In addition to general funding programs, there are also many scholarships targeted towards specific fields of study or academic disciplines. Here are a few popular ones:

STEM scholarships

The US Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and National Institutes of Health all offer STEM scholarships for international graduate students in fields like engineering, computer science, physical sciences, life sciences, and more. Awards range from $15,000-$50,000 per year.

Business/management awards

Groups like the Fulbright Foreign Student Program, AACSB International, Delta Sigma Pi, and Golden Key offer scholarship dollars for international MBA candidates and those pursuing management-related master’s degrees at accredited US business schools.

Medical/health scholarships

The Fogarty International Center provides pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships for research training in biomedical and behavioral sciences. Programs like HealthLinks fund clinical electives for medical students in the US as well. Awards can cover costs like tuition, stipends, and travel expenses.

Agriculture fellowships

Organizations like the USDA Borlaug Fellowship Program, and USAID Feed the Future sponsor international students to earn agricultural research masters or PhD degrees at premier US universities. Benefits cover tuition and living expenses for 1-2 years.

Arts/humanities awards

Foundations promoting cultural diplomacy award fellowships for international graduate study in fields like art history, musical performance, creative writing, dance, theater, law, and more at top US institutions. Benefits usually cover full tuition and costs of study.

Targeting your scholarship search based on your intended major or career path is an effective way to hone in on relevant funding opportunities. The field-specific options above show just a sampling of what’s available.

External scholarship foundations

In addition to government and education-affiliated programs, several independent charitable foundations provide international student scholarships that can fund US degrees. Here are a few prominent examples:

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

One of the most competitive and prestigious worldwide, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship selects outstanding prospective graduate students for full funding to study at the University of Cambridge in the UK. However, a small number of awards do support study at other top schools, including certain US universities like MIT.

  • Eligibility: Demonstrated academic achievement with 2+ years’ work experience. Open to all nationalities and fields of study.
  • Benefits: Covers all university fees, living expenses, and travel costs, with additional dissertation and conference grants available.
  • Application deadline: Early October for the following academic year.

Schwarzman Scholars Program

This prestigious program is fully funded by The Schwarzman Scholarship and places 100 outstanding graduate students from around the world at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, each year. However, up to 5 Schwarzman scholars may opt to study at a partner US institution instead.

  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree, TOEFL/IELTS, demonstrated leadership experience. STEM and social science majors preferred.
  • Benefits: Includes full tuition, living stipend, airfare, field research grants, and cultural experiences in China.
  • Application deadline: Mid-October for the following fall enrollment.

Mitchell Scholarships

A highly competitive program managed through the US-Ireland Alliance. The Mitchell Scholarship selects up to 12 American and 12 Irish citizens each year to undertake one year of postgraduate study in Ireland or Northern Ireland. Currently, the program includes partnerships with 3 US universities as well.

  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree, GPA 3.7+, letters of recommendation. Flexible for any field of study.
  • Benefits: Covers the full cost of study, including tuition, living expenses, research costs, and international airfare.
  • Application deadline: Early November for the following academic year.

These globally-minded foundations provide alternative funding options for exceptional international students. While the acceptance rate into each program is low, they present opportunities worth exploring if your academic profile is competitive.

Institutional scholarships

Funding programs set up directly by individual US colleges and universities can also offer international students funding options. Here are a few key things to understand about institutional awards:

  • Vary widely between schools in terms of eligibility requirements, available amounts, and application deadlines.
  • Often requires maintaining a minimum GPA each term for renewal of funding in subsequent years.
  • May prioritize certain fields of study like STEM or target specific countries or regions.
  • Typically involve annual expenditures starting from a few thousand dollars per year up to full tuition waivers at more prestigious private schools.
  • Tuition waivers are most common for US graduate programs, but undergraduate awards are increasing in availability as well.
  • Many top-ranked public universities offer partial tuition waivers to out-of-state or international students through an application process.

It’s important to research the scholarships lists on the websites of any school you’re considering, as on-campus awards for international applicants can be a hidden gem. Reach out to departments directly as well to inquire about any upcoming internal scholarship competition details and deadlines.

Private donor/community scholarships

Beyond larger foundation awards, funding opportunities may exist through local organizations, ethnic associations, religious groups, and other smaller private donors in your home country or desired study location. Some examples include:

  • Scholarships offered by alumni associations of specific US universities in different countries can provide aid for studying at their affiliated school.
  • Local foundations established to promote education abroad may sponsor students from specific regions or population groups to pursue overseas study.
  • Faith-based scholarships funded by individual congregations are commonly awarded for studying theology, social justice, or humanitarian fields at accredited institutions.
  • Ethnic heritage organizations like Hellenic, Iranian-American, or Taiwanese associations occasionally offer funding meant for students of their respective backgrounds.
  • Small community and family foundations not well known internationally may have unclaimed awards earmarked for internationals if located through diligent online searching.

While being more limited in number and availability, private scholarships can be valuable options to pursue. Networking within your local community and any affiliated international alumni groups may turn up some hidden funding leads worth pursuing as a supplement to other scholarship applications.


What are the eligibility requirements for most US scholarships?

Most scholarships will require applicants to have current enrollment or future enrollment plans as a full-time student at an accredited US college or university. Many also have requirements around GPA, English proficiency test scores, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. Be sure to thoroughly review the specific eligibility criteria for each program.

Is it possible to receive more than one scholarship?

Yes, it is certainly possible to bundle together multiple different funding sources to finance your education. However, be aware that most scholarships cannot be stacked on top of each other, and receiving two full-ride awards is very uncommon. Smaller supplemental awards are more realistically combined to cut overall education costs.

What are the typical application requirements?

Aside from academic transcripts and letters of recommendation, strong candidates will have a polished personal statement essay articulating their academic interests, career goals, and how receiving the scholarship will help achieve them. A resume, proof of English proficiency, and other relevant supporting materials like awards, publications, or volunteer experience are also commonly required.

When should I begin the application process?

Most scholarships have deadlines several months prior to the start of the intended term of study. For programs beginning in fall 2023, the application period will likely start wrapping up in late 2022 or early 2023. It’s best to start researching options, drafting application materials, and requesting letters of recommendation at a minimum of six months before the deadline to allow for revisions and a polished submission.

How can I improve my chances of being awarded a scholarship?

Thoroughly researching each opportunity to understand what makes a competitive candidate is key. Crafting compelling personal statements, selecting recommenders strategically, maintaining strong academics, and demonstrating leadership are all factors that will positively impact your chances. Consider gaining related experiences like internships or research that showcase your qualifications and passion for the intended field of study.

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